Within the walls of Drabesi Manor, there is enough space not only for active recreation enthusiasts and ancient craft tradition groups, but also for creative music collectives. In total, there are three music groups. One of them is "Drabeši Manor Musicians".
The Drabešu muižas muzikanti folk music band was founded in 2015 and is based on the members of the folklore group Ore, who decided to learn and play dance tunes, news and table songs written down by the famous folklore collector Voldemārs Stelbergs in the historical Cesis region, in addition to folk songs from earlier times. In 2021, the music label LAUSKA released the witty, lively-sounding album "When My Wife Got Drunk".
The band includes Tālis Karlsons, Edgars Žīgurs, Andris Roze, Adele Ločmele, Inese Roze, Sanda Salmiņa, Inese Jansone and Andris Rutkovskis. Listen, sing and dance along!
To find out about the opportunity to see and hear us, please contact the host Inese Roze or Tāli Karlsons.